The Okanogan Catering Company, LLC
        Feeding Folks in the Okanogan & Methow Valley's since 1976
....a division of Country Buns!
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Our Focus 
is on 
Superior Quality 
Food and Service!

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  • Hansen and Hamilton Wedding Reception Dinner Balance Due

    Balance is due on or before August 15th 2024

  • Johnson and White Wedding Balance

    Balance is due on or before July 30th 2024

  • Marsh and Peterson Wedding Balance

    Balance is due on or before September 25th 2024


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If you are already a Pay Pal customer when you get to the Pay Pal screen 
just sign on into your account. 
If you are not a Pay Pal customer when you get to the Pay Pal screen scroll down and use whatever debit or credit card you choose.